Street Angels

Woking Street Angels patrol the streets of Woking on Friday and Saturday nights between 10.00pm and 4.00am to offer support to vulnerable people such as lone females, those suffering from drink and drugs and homeless people. This support can be by listening, simple acts of generosity, caring, offering practical help or by referring people to other specialist agencies who can help them. Street Angels have been springing up across the UK since 2005. They make a really positive impact on crime and antisocial behaviour in town centres, particularly in the vicinity of bars and clubs, by providing a calming presence on the streets late at night.

Street Angels are volunteers and a number of the Trinity’s members regularly patrol the streets of Woking. To be a volunteer Street Angel you need to be over 18. Volunteers can be of any faith or none but must aspire to the core values of selflessness, being non-judgemental, honesty, integrity, professionalism, excellence, collaboration and partnership.

If you are interested in being a Street Angel volunteer, please email and further information can be found at

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