The Foundry

The Foundry project is an exciting initiative which we are developing to enable Trinity to become a more effective centre for Christian worship and witness in the coming years. It takes its name from the old Foundry in the City of London which was the original base for the work of John Wesley, the founder of Methodism.

We believe that God is calling us to engage more effectively with the community around us, a particularly relevant consideration with the major increase in population being catered for in Woking town centre.

We have identified the core values of the Foundry to be:

  • To worship God for what he has done for us in Jesus;

  • To grow our understanding of God in Jesus, and reflect that in our lives;

  • To maintain sufficient engagement with the local community so we can serve its needs;

  • To encourage each other to gently share the gospel of Jesus;

  • To sustain all we do through prayer.

A number of initiatives are underway enabling us to link with other Christians in the town. Every two weeks we meet at 6pm for Foundry Worship – an opportunity to share in contemporary songs, prayer and ministry.

Not everyone wishes to worship God in the same way. In time The Foundry will embrace as many styles of worship as demand, practicalities & doctrine permit. Our traditional Methodist service, Messy Church and other activities will form part of this mix but with additional new and different forms of worship. But the overarching aim is that by living, loving and working in a Christian way and talking about our faith, we can make a difference to the community around us. 

The foundry process.....

Some of the new tower blocks under construction in Woking town centre (early 2019)

The Foundry @ Trinity Woking - Project Prospectus

As part of The Foundry initiative, we hosted two ROC (Redeeming our Communities) Conversations just before the pandemic in 2020, and a follow up in 2024. More information can be found here.


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