To all Friends of Trinity Methodist Church
In October, the whole Leadership Team spent several hours together discussing what each of us is doing, what we are working on and planning, and importantly, celebrating that we are a Team working together, hopefully guiding Trinity along the path of God’s Ministry in Woking. It was great that Rev Dr Paul Glass, the new Superintendent for the Circuit was able to be with us.
Out of that session came a report to Church Council which was discussed and endorsed in November. 2023 We want to share that report with the wider Church and so are making it available HERE Please take time to read it and to talk to any of the Leadership Team about it. We are excited and we hope you will be also.
At the Awayday, we also agreed no less than 8 SMART Objectives that we will be concentrating on as achievement of those objectives is, we believe, crucial to the longer-term Mission of Trinity. Progress towards these Objectives will be monitored regularly. They are also available to read or download HERE.
We hope these documents will spark interest and enthusiasm over the coming months. Please do read them and talk to us about them, we certainly need your help to keep Trinity progressing forward.
Leadership Team
January 2023